A private investigator in a case of unfair competition, whether by a worker or another company, can help you verify through conclusive evidence whether unfair acts are actually being carried out that are causing you property or brand damages.

The Private Investigator is aware of the technical tools and the appropriate procedures to check if there has been any information leak or similar illegal act by an employee who seeks to obtain their own benefit by providing business information in bad faith from one company to another, or by providing information to your competition in order to denigrate or harm the reputation of your company.

Private investigator agency for an unfair competition investigation

Private detective agencies conduct private investigations with the primary goal of providing data, information, and intelligence that facilitate at business levels and in very diverse areas.

unfair competition investigatorAccording to law, we may define the term unfair competition as an act of objective opposition to the requirements in good faith, and the law applies before unfair competition conduct, regardless of whether or not a contract is entered, during, or after commercial operation or contract.

Unfair competition law applies to companies, professionals, or natural people or entities participating in the market.

Unfair conduct

Within the framework of the aforementioned Unfair Competition Act with private detective agencies, this unfair behavior is classified as other conduct.

  1. Deceptive behavior.

False information or true information can induce or mislead consumers due to presentation, and it is deceptive to change behavior at the economic level and is therefore considered unfair competition.

  1. Acts of confusion.

Private investigator agencies (or laws) consider appropriate behavior to cause confusion about the activities or provision of services carried out by the company as unfair conduct.

  1. Deceptive omissions

If a company or expert omits or hides information related to a product or service, it may be considered an unfair competition act if it affects or influences the economic decisions made by consumers.

For example, the market did not provide information about products and/or services that could affect purchasing decisions compared to competitors’ products to acquire products instead of competitors.

  1. Active practices.

Unfair conduct is taken into account when a company or expert uses methods that are close to harassment or coercion to persuade the market sector to consume the product compared to its competitors.

  1. Cheating.

An act of refusal is deemed to be the realization or dissemination of opinions about the company’s activities, provisions, or establishments that deny the integrity of the company or its experts.

  1. Comparative method.

If a public comparison (also known as a comparative advertisement from two or more companies or experts) is made explicitly or implicitly implied by a competitor damaging their reputation, it is an unfair competition act. To be considered unfair competition, comparable companies must meet the same needs.

  1. Imitation.

Imitating products and/or services or business or professional projects is not considered unfair (or “applied”) unless not covered by some rights recognized by Australian law.  According to the law, the imitation interests of third parties are deemed to be not fully appropriate to create associations by consumers in regard to regulations or include the unfair advantages of the reputation or efforts of others.

  1. The exploitation of the reputation of others.

If an expert or company finds business interests, commercial or professional reputations of another company or professional reputation and uses it for improper purposes.

  1. Confidential violations.

Any private investigator agency expert who conducts a business investigation into unfair competition discloses or exploits the company’s information and/or secrets without the permission of an employee or expert who has access to such information is a breach of confidentiality and an unfair competition act. I am a victim of unfair competition. What should I do?

If you are an expert or owner of a company and you suspect that your employees are taking unfair action against you or your company for your own benefit, or if your competition is well known to perform unfair practices against your company, the first thing you need to do to free upmarket space is to provide advice and contact a private investigator agency that indicates the steps to follow in this type of investigation. Remember that private investigators are the only experts approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct investigations into these personalities. Meanwhile, the law stipulates measures that can be taken against unfair competition, including illegal advertising practices.

How do private investigators help in unfair competitive situations?

In the case of unfair competition by workers or other companies, private detective agencies can help you determine through conclusive evidence that unfair conduct is actually being carried out that causes property or brand damage to you.

Private investigators know technical tools and appropriate procedures to ensure that employees who want to profit from one company to another maliciously provide business information to another to see if there is information leakage or similar illegal activity. Provide information to competitors to damage or harm the company’s reputation.